Station 3 frame will be set at about 10 degrees from vertical to better align with sides of hull. This frame is cut down to 32mm width as well.
Both sides finished along sheer and trimmed with router. Next is to reinstall ropes to adjust beam correctly along entire length and resume with frame work. The transom crack is fixed but fiberglass buildup at the seems will improve that.
Just installed one sheer board and the other is coming up. This will let me remove the upper nasty edge of the hull shell. This used every clamp I could find and put frame work on hold as well. The frame jig works very quickly. I extended the range to stations 3-7 with intermediate frames at 3.5, 4.5, 5.5, 6.5 that are slightly narrower.
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Resolve nasty internal surface damage. Coat inside with epoxy.
-Setup baseline alignment to confirm hull is in proper shape.
- -Build transverse frames in station 3-7 region. 30%
- -Install sheer beams and temporary beams to hold shell at loft positions. 50%
- -Fiberglass the shell to keelson.
- -Stiffen front sections 1-3 with ribbing.
- -Bulkheads, bouyancy cavities, beams.
- -Cockpit, decking.